Monday, December 7, 2009
You have many good points. You have also defined how he was prior to his quest for power. I like how you talk about him in the end. It still needs some work as you can talk about the leadership and power level still. See me and we can work on it. Good insight.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Summative EQ
How does power corrupt??
Throughout the entire play, Macbeth is portrayed to us as a noble Scottish general who is not usually inclined to perform evil deeds such as taking a life. However the one thing he desires most is power, and one of the only ways for him to attain power is to kill. Against his own judgement, and from the pressure of his peers, he kills Duncan. In Act 4 and 5, he begins to go mad. Mental, frantic and boastful madness as a matter of fact. The prochecies from the witches are what drives Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to kill, aside from the desire for power. Once one decides to use violence and murder to further themself in the quest for power, it is hard to stop. With many threats to the throne, Macbeth is corrupted by power as he doesn't want to lose it. In Act 5, his madness is concluded with his sudden death in a vicious battle with Macduff. Even on the brink of defeat, Macbeth never gave up, saying "I will not yield, will not kiss the ground before Malcom's feet." That willingness to never give up is what defined Macbeth as a great leader and great King, however his demise was determined on the fact that he was corrupted by the amount of power at his disposal and the threats to his throne.
Throughout the entire play, Macbeth is portrayed to us as a noble Scottish general who is not usually inclined to perform evil deeds such as taking a life. However the one thing he desires most is power, and one of the only ways for him to attain power is to kill. Against his own judgement, and from the pressure of his peers, he kills Duncan. In Act 4 and 5, he begins to go mad. Mental, frantic and boastful madness as a matter of fact. The prochecies from the witches are what drives Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to kill, aside from the desire for power. Once one decides to use violence and murder to further themself in the quest for power, it is hard to stop. With many threats to the throne, Macbeth is corrupted by power as he doesn't want to lose it. In Act 5, his madness is concluded with his sudden death in a vicious battle with Macduff. Even on the brink of defeat, Macbeth never gave up, saying "I will not yield, will not kiss the ground before Malcom's feet." That willingness to never give up is what defined Macbeth as a great leader and great King, however his demise was determined on the fact that he was corrupted by the amount of power at his disposal and the threats to his throne.
Friday, November 27, 2009
tragic hero
We chose to do a video because it is easier for our peers to relate to rather than reading some stuff out. Some people learn better visually so therefore we reached out to those people and made it easy to learn act 5. We were influenced by act 5 and by the video we saw in class, it showed us that we can make macbeth fun and modern, and we tried to make it funny as well. The presentation was no more challenging and no easier than any other presentation, it was just regular. I find myself writing on my blog more, because it seems more private and i feel more comfortable writing there.If im writing something really deep, i dont really want others to read it.
Friday, November 13, 2009
YOu still have time....
You said you were missing one entry. I believe it was connecting an EQ to the movie and reflecting on the connection-check class blog for details. You still have time. I will be back on again in the am.
MRs. C
MRs. C
what i have learned today
I have learned today that this project takes alot of effort and hard work if we want a good grade. We are doing a video porject and hope to mkae it entertaining, informative, and fun. This is workig because we all know eachother well and we work well together, therefore we get a should get a good product when its done
metacognition journal.
1. The in class activities have improved my learning and understanding of macbeth. The discussions we have are really helpful and they help me get a different perspective on what i think.
2. Blogging is a really different and a unique approach to learning, and I think its a really good idea. If im on my computer talking to friends, i can do my homework at the same time. This method in my opinion is just adjusting to the times. We are in a time of technology, and this shows how we are adjusting. The class activity that helped me understand macbeth was where we took a passage and translated it into modern english and explained what it meant.
3. My growth as a learner has been positive, and a specific example is the postcard. Before blogging and learning about this stuff, I could not have done a response as in depth and thoughtful as the postcard, but now that I've grown as a learner, i can write things like that. My goal for next term is to keep blogging and keep having fun and get an A!
4. One of my strengths in my opinion is bringing 100% to each class and each assignment. The one thing i want to improve on is getting all the assignments done however. I have missed one assignment and i would like to improve on that. A challenge is really understanding the story of macbeth, and a specific example is the passage we took from the story. It didn't make any sense at first, and it made macbeth really confusing, however once we took a deeper look at it, i better understood the story.
2. Blogging is a really different and a unique approach to learning, and I think its a really good idea. If im on my computer talking to friends, i can do my homework at the same time. This method in my opinion is just adjusting to the times. We are in a time of technology, and this shows how we are adjusting. The class activity that helped me understand macbeth was where we took a passage and translated it into modern english and explained what it meant.
3. My growth as a learner has been positive, and a specific example is the postcard. Before blogging and learning about this stuff, I could not have done a response as in depth and thoughtful as the postcard, but now that I've grown as a learner, i can write things like that. My goal for next term is to keep blogging and keep having fun and get an A!
4. One of my strengths in my opinion is bringing 100% to each class and each assignment. The one thing i want to improve on is getting all the assignments done however. I have missed one assignment and i would like to improve on that. A challenge is really understanding the story of macbeth, and a specific example is the passage we took from the story. It didn't make any sense at first, and it made macbeth really confusing, however once we took a deeper look at it, i better understood the story.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Marking myself
Ok so il answer the questions in order. Yes I realize what i can do now. Yes my blog has a title. I have a visual however it does not connect to Macbeth. I have completed the postcard. I have written the response about what is easier between the play and the movie. I've commented on Mitchs blog and he's commented on mine. Yes i have cut and pasted a passage and told you what i think of it. And yes I am amazed at what i can do with the blog. Out of 20, i would give myself 17, because of the fact that not everything i post is relevant to what we are doing in class, but i still think i've done a good job on the blog.
Friday, November 6, 2009
macbeth act 5
we are doing a video about act 5. We will act out the main parts of act 5. Everybody will equally share roles and responsibility, and celeste will handle the editing. We will make it more modern in language, as it will be easier to understand, but we will stay true to the story. Act 5 consists of Lady Macbeth becoming sick and unwell mentally, and the main scene is the battle between Macduff and Macbeth. Macduff beheads Macbeth, and Malcom becomes king. This is probably one of the more exciting scenes in the play, and we hope to show that excitement in our video. We all have read and understand act 5, and we also want to show our understanding of the act in our video.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dear ms caldwell,
i am understanding that ambition and the desire to have something can be a very dangerous thing if used the wrong way. If you have ambition, and you desire something and you work hard to get it, you will get it. No matter how high, if you work hard, you will get it. However it can turn people the wrong way. For example in Macbeth, he wants to be King. But its not as easy as he would have hoped, so Macbeth has to kill the King to become the King. Ambition is the ability to climb as high as you can dream, and many people have that ability, while some use it the wrong way.
From Ryan
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Act 1, Scene 5, Lines 41-56
Lady Macbeth: [Exit Messenger]
"The raven himself is hoarse that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlements. Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood, Stop up th’access and passage to remorse, That no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between Th’ effect and it. Come to my woman’s breasts, And take my milk for gall, you murd’ring ministers, Wherever in your sightless substances you wait on nature’s mischief. Come, thick night, And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, To cry ‘Hold, hold!’"
[Enter Macbeth]
This passage is very powerful, and shows a lot of Lady Macbeth's ambition, as she is willing to do whatever it takes to get the throne, even if that includes murder. Macbeth is usually wavering on whether he should kill to seize the throne or not, but you see here that Lady Macbeth has the ambition to push Macbeth forward and kill Duncan and gain royalty. This connects to me personally because I am usually wavering on decisions, and I don't usually know how far I am willing to go to get what I want. Now I can see ambition, and how far Lady Macbeth is willing to go to get what she desires. I am not willing to kill, that's a crime, but I now see how far I can go.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I really prefer the movie Macbeth after reading Act1 scenes 1,2,3. For me personally I learn better through visuals rather than reading things, and I found the movie a lot more interesting. One difference I noticed was the book spoke of thunder and lightning while the movie did not. It was strange since when watching/reading Romeo and Juliet in grade 9, the movie and the novel were almost identical. So the movie was much easier because of the visuals, while the book was much harder because of the language used.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The thing i desire most is to be respected amongst all of my peers. Maybe I already am, but I don't know for sure so I still desire it. As far as how far would I go to get what i desire, I think that my actions will do the talking. If someone doesn't like me, that's fine, but I'm not going to go out of my way to get them to respect me. I'll go about life the same way I always have, certain people will like that and certain people won't, and I'm not going to get mad at the people who don't like me becaue that is their opinion and they are entitled to it. So to answer the question, I would go as far as being myself, not acting any differently to get people to like me.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I am now wondering what made you think those things. Can you bring in any examples to support your predictions? I do think you are on the right path. DId you enjoy this type of prereading assignment?
Friday, October 9, 2009
Exit Slip
Now after doing this, I think Macbeth is about a person who goes through many troubles in life, and deals with power, ambition, integrity, self worth and loyalty.
MacBeth and Shakespeare
To be honest, I know absolutely nothing about MacBeth, but I would like to learn. About Shakespeare, I have read and/or seen A midsummer nights dream and romeo and juliet. I would like to better understand the old english language that is present in these plays.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
It worked.
Loyalty is needed to sustain long term traditions. I would love for you to develop this point and explain this some more. It is so true. As you have noted in the"Lottery" they are loyal to their tradition even if it involves killing a family member. DO you think they see it that way. Do you think that they are afraid of change and if so why. Why are people loyal? These are just some things to think about.
It worked.
Loyalty is needed to sustain long term traditions. I would love for you to develop this point and explain this some more. It is so true. As you have noted in the"Lottery" they are loyal to their tradition even if it involves killing a family member. DO you think they see it that way. Do you think that they are afraid of change and if so why. Why are people loyal? These are just some things to think about.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Last Class
Ok so last class we presented our terms and discussed how each term related to the short story we read. For example, loyalty is needed to sustain relationships, aswell as sustain long running traditions, like in The Lottery. In The Lottery, the lottery itself is an annual tradition, and even though someone ends up dying, everyone is loyal and understands the rules, therefore the lottery still happens every year. Something that stood out last class was the monkey moving the arm with his brain.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
HI. Our topic is power. I am going to explain how to get it, and the reasons for its existence. You can get power by being elected, or taking by force. In Canada, people such as the Prime Minister get elected. In North Korea, people like Kim Jong Il straight take that power.
The reasons for the existence of power are simple. It doesnt matter what civilization you are talking about, whether it be modern day humans, animals, cave men or aliens in movies. The one common thing is there is always a leader and always a few people that want to be leader. Power exists because it makes people feel in control and comfortable, which is a good feeling. People who dont have that feeling of being in control therefore dont have power. The bottom line is it exists because its a natural thing that just happens no matter who you are or where you live.
OK. Hi. what is up. Im good if you were asking. Hi. In class today, I walked in, sat down, started listening to my IPod, stopped listening to my IPod, listened to announcements, got work returned etc etc. our topic is power, I learned that it can be obtained, maintained and lost. This was made more interesting because we made a blog. Bi.
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